Yesterday the BBC ran a news item regarding the growing use of the Internet to screen live child abuse via webcams in developing countries. Child abuse is on the increase worldwide, in the USA 5 children die as a result of child abuse every day.
Yes there there are government agencies in various countries that can help but these children need special care which is often supplied by charities such as,who in these difficult times, live everyone else have difficulties in raising money to cover the long term rehabilitation costs.
So how can you help, well you can donate money and their are tax incentives to do this, but many people do not have money to donate and this is where the succeed to give concept was born. We are International group of budding Philanthropists who use what we call the Philanthropic Vortex to build a business and as this business starts to produce income we donate 25% to a, the more successful we become the more we are able to give and at the same time we create additional income to improve our lifestyle.
I have always taken pleasure from helping others and the concept is attracting a lot of Interest in the USA where it was launched.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
David Ogden
Skype: seadogs11